Ostalo Priroda i društvo

sex crime… (3:54, Eurythmics, Greatest Hits [Europe], 1984)

Ako pogledam čega na mom blogu nije bilo to je defnitivno sex. Pa eto, imam dva linka koji su najbliže sexu što će ovaj blog ikada vidjeti (iako i dalje puno eksplicitnije nego što možete pronaći na drugim mjestima).

Linkovi su iznenađenje i nemojte pitati kuda vode, ali bih cijenio komentar ako ga bude (pristojan molim).

Ako ste mlađi od 16 nemojte kliknuti na;

Iznenađenje br. 1.

Iznenađenje br. 2.

Misao dana:
They had but one last remaining night together, so they embraced each other as tightly as that two-flavor entwined string cheese that is orange and yellowish-white, the orange probably being a bland Cheddar and the white . . . Mozzarella, although it could possibly be Provolone or just plain American, as it really doesn’t taste distinctly dissimilar from the orange, yet they would have you believe it does by coloring it differently.

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