Muzika Video


Kako prevesti “Tubthumping“? Tub bi bila kada, a thumping bi načelnomoglo biti stupanje (hodanje teškim koracima). Ima netko bolju ideju.

Well be singing
When were winning
Well be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
Youre never going to
Keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that
Remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that
Remind him
Of the better times:

Oh danny boy
Danny boy
Danny boy…

I get knocked down
But I get up again
Youre never going to
Keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that
Remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that
Remind him
Of the better times:

Dont cry for me
Next door neighbour…

I get knocked down
But I get up again
Youre never going to
Keep me down

Well be singing
When were winning
Well be singing

Priroda i društvo Video

George W. Bush

Istina o George W. Bushu prema Steven Colbertu.

II dio, III dio

Misao dana:
“There may be some tough times here in America. But this country was gone through tough times before, and we’re going to do it again.” —George W. Bush, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002

Muzika Video

Pjesma o brodovima

Misao dana:
A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.