Već nekoliko mjeseci pratim mladi blog koji se zove “Unusual Business Ideas That Work”. Ovdje možete pronaći stotinjak primjera različitih i inovativnih ideja koje su svojim vlasnicima osigurale unosne profite. Ovaj blog je najbolji dokaz kako je za zaraditi novac potrebno (uglavnom) imati samo dobru ideju.
Category: Business
Sve o businessu, poduzetništvu i poduzetnicima
Na jučerašnjem sastanku Mesića, Sanadera i Šeksa osim o organiziranom kriminalu govorilo se o prestanku potrebe za produljenjem roka u trajanju Zakona o reviziji pretvorbe. Ovaj zakon je predložila vlada Ivice Račana u samom početku njihovog mandata, pokušavajući održati obećanje o kažnjavanju svih prijestupa koji su se tijekom pretvorbe dogodili.
Nažalost, cijeli taj koncept revizije, osim što je generirao brdo posla za državnu reviziju donio je vrlo malo koristi; osim što smo su na površinu izbile i konkretne brojke o događajima za koje su svi znali da postoje. Naime, od 1600 revidiranih pretvorbi u njih više od osamdeset posto su otkrivene manje ili veće nepravilnosti, optuženo je samo 800 osoba, do sada imamo samo 79 osuđujućih presuda, od čeka devet zatvorskih i koliko mi se čini, nijedna kuna se nije vratila u državni proračun.
Velika većina toga nepovratno je otišla u zastaru i unatoč tome što je moguće i danas otkriti štošta, mogućnosti sankcioniranja su odavno nepovratno izgubljene.
Zakon o reviziji pretvorbe, baš kao i dobar dio drugih zakona bavi se događajima u prošlosti na koje više nije moguće utjecati, niti ih je moguće korigirati. Više stotina tisuća izgubljenih radnih mjesta tako su postali žrtvom privatizacije, iako je (barem meni) nejasno da li su ti ljudi uopće imali perspektivu i prije te iste pretvorbe. Ovaj Zakon stoga smatram lijepim kozmetičkim Zakonom koji je trebao zaokupiti i zabaviti radničke mase dok se elita bavi drugim problemima, a njegovi učinci su u samom startu bili minimalni.
Svaki zločin je strašan i za svaku osudu, no principe pravne države kojoj stremimo ne možemo mijenjati samo zbog želje za krvlju onih koje smatramo krivima za pljačku i štetu nastalu tijekom privatizacije (za takve stvari služe revolucije). Novac koji je utrošen da bi se povijesno dokumentiralo ono što su svi znali da se dogodilo (a mnogi su to osjetili i na svojoj koži), mogao je bolje biti potrošen na neke projekte za budućnost, ovako, zakopali smo se u prošlosti iz koje nikako da iziđemo.
Neka Zakon o revizije pretvorbe počiva u miru, iako ga nije zaslužio.
Malo sam razmišljao, i primjereniji naslov bi bio “Requiem za Zakon o reviziji pretvorbe i privatizacije”.
Misao dana:
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.
Guy Kawasaki je jedan od najpoznatijih business blogera. Jedan je prvih zaposlenika Applea, a danas je jedan od najpoznatijih venture kapitalista i autor cijelog niza knjiga. Kawasakijev blog je zanimljiv jer govori o cijelom nizu tipičnih poslovnih tema koje mogu biti primjenjive svima, puno tekstova se odnose na funkcioniranje tvrtki, međusobne odnose, prezentaciju i prodaju.
How does typical life of American entrepreneur look like? Do you start your company, develop it, sell to the VC and move to another project, or do you stick with your original idea (in the case it worked)?
Mathematically, most entrepreneurs start a company and then stick with it for years. They never sell the entire company to venture capitalists because venture capitalists are in the business of investing, not managing, companies. A very small percentage of entrepreneurs are fortunate enough to sell their companies to another company. An even smaller percentage takes their companies public on a stock exchange. An even smaller percentage of that achieves Google-like success.
Sometimes you fail, idea might not work, powers_that_be were against you or maybe unique blend of circumstances lead to your ultimate failure. You regroup and start again. How does a history of failure(s) influence your decision as a VC to fund the project or not?
I cannot make the case that failure is a good thing when we look at entrepreneurs, but it isn’t necessarily a deal killer. Failure in Silicon Valley is common and creating a successful company after failing also happens. Hope springs eternal here!
Few months back you have mentioned tipping point and long tail; what if our country due to its small size and poor economic power of our citizens is basically one very long tail. What are your thoughts on playing/working on really small market?
Israel is an example of this. There are only 5-6 million people there, and yet it has had huge success with technology startups by selling products outside its countries. Clearly, it can be done. I’ve given a lot of thought to the economic power of regions. Your readers should check out this blog entry: How to Kick Silicon Valley’s butt
I guess that VCs hang out together from time to time. Which industry is currently fashionable? Can you name few of your current investments, particular fields in which they operate and at which point (size of the company, revenue) you jumped in and when do you expect to get out?
Social networking is hot here. However, by the time venture capitalists believe something is hot; it’s probably too late to jump into that sector. Despite the myth, venture capitalists don’t predict the future. Most are fast followers.
Two of our more recent investments are FilmLoop and Cfares. We invested in them when they were prototypes with no revenue. Generally, a venture capitalist would like to achieve at least a ten times return on investment – if not more.
Art of presentation; while reading your blog I have decided that I need to focus on just two basic items needed to promote my business; first is my company web site which have to generate interest (and stay in the memory) of my visitor – and that I have to develop killer presentation and sales pitch for the moment when I receive opportunity to present my self to the potential customer. How much attention should entrepreneur give to the web site and his sales pitch opportunities?
This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on the business you’re in. Clearly, both are very important, but they are not as important as the actual product or service that you’re offering. It’s easy to fix a web site or pitch; it’s much harder to create a great product or service.
And last; do you have any particular message you wish to share with Croatian readers of your blog and books?
Don’t let the bozos grind you down. Entrepreneurship requires ignoring the naysayers who tell you what you’re trying to do can’t be done, shouldn’t be done, or isn’t necessary.