Blog Business Internet

Razgovor sa Seth Godinom

Seth Godin je svjetski priznati stručnjak na polju marketinga i osoba koja se proslavila svojim knjigama od kojih su neke objavljene i kod nas. 1995 godine osnovao je jednu od prvih internet marketing kompanija koju je nekoliko godina kasnije prodao Yahoou. Seth je također i autor vrlo popularnog bloga kojeg pratim duže vremena i prije nekoliko dana palo mi je na pamet da mu postavim nekoliko pitanja.

What is your reason to blog? You do not keep it as your diary, you do not advertise. Do you see your blog as a service to the community, use it as a contact to your customers, self-promotional tool, or is there more subliminal message buried somewhere?

Purple cow / Plava Krava by Seth GodinI blog because it’s important to me to spread my ideas. I get satisfaction out of watching them go out there, morph, evolve and in a little way, change the world.

Internet is changing the way we communicate; even the fact that we are conducting this email interview is a proof of internet_miracle. Where it leads? Are we going to be more and more empowered and every interaction between salesman (or large company marketing office) will be tailor made to our particular preferences? Are we rapidly moving away from one_to_many marketing messaging?

I don’t think one too many is going to go away soon, but I do think organizations must become more permeable, more open to individual
interactions. And it’s clear that the power of many to many conversations is awesome.

Joe Trippi (Howard dean campaign manager), wrote that internet is finally returning democracy back to the voters and that you once again have a chance to say something. Is this limited to politics only, or just about anything else?

Politics is fighting this idea very very hard. I think companies that make a profit are far more open to this idea.

Talking about politics, there is campaign underway for US midterm elections; what is the role of internet and that campaign, and have they (politicians) finally learned on how to use internet to spread their agenda? Have they figured out that they are commodity on the market just like a carton of milk and they have to fight for their sales pitch? How would you, as a marketing “guru” rate their efforts?

I give them a 2 out of 10. Politicians are totally stuck in an old model, and will be until someone succeeds. It’s different than a corporation, where any profit is a good profit. Politicians will resist until someone actually wins!

While web2.0 is all about networking and interaction, people from smaller countries, especially those who speak one of the “smaller” languages can be easily lost in the forest of English delicious links, digg stories. So we have clear need of country/language specific services, but the mass of people using this service is not large enough to sustain its operation. How do you see our problem (or opportunity in disguise)?

Most of the English language sites don’t make any money, and copying what works and moving it into your language should be fast or cheap. I think you should either do that or switch to English!! There are very few barriers in webland.

Seth GodinSame problem like above on search engines; what if I make interview with Seth Godin, and no one in Croatia can learn about it simply because my page is buried below hundreds of other suggestions? Do you think that maybe we have to develop different tools, or do we simply have to find alternate way to spread our message?

If I spoke another language, I’d train Google to only search on that language. It should work, no? But yes, there’s no question that English is dominating. It makes sense that a given market has a standard language… but now the market is the world.

You mentioned quite a number of times long tail. What happens if our whole country is one large long tail? What if our market is small and fragmented, and yet same market forces are at play just like in US?

You can’t have a long tail without a short head. It doesn’t work. So there’s always a short head, but maybe not as big as you would like it to be.

What is in and what is out in marketing industry? In Croatia, TV ads are majority of all spending, then you follow with daily newspapers, a little bit of magazines and internet is proudly trailing behind everything else. Where is US today on this issue and in which direction do you think focus moves?

I think that around the world, word of mouth is resurging and TV is getting more and more expensive in return for what you get. It’ll happen there, it is just a matter of time.

What is your marketing weapon of choice? What do you do to promote squidoo?

Word of mouth! Make great stuff that is friendly to word of mouth. Amplify the ideas and words of your big fans. Flip the funnel and let the word spread. That’s what I preach and what I do.

Squidoo is a fresh startup; what do you think of it and what is its full potential? What is the point where you sell the company?

We have no plans to sell it. There are four of us and we’re very focused on making it a self-sustaining engine of philanthropy.

Last one is just your entrepreneurial view of the company, how to develop it and how do you recognize the day when to sell it; in Croatia when you make company you are basically expected to keep it until you retire?

I think that if there isn’t a culture of buying companies from restless entrepreneurs, there soon will be, if only because someone can be very rich if they pay less and earn more over time!

And finally; your message to the readers of blog?

Don’t wait for permission. Go do something. Hurry.

Blog Muzika

Što je to meme?

Na friško osamostaljeni bloger BezKomentara prozvao me i bacio mi ekvivalent rukavice u lice koji se među blogerima očigledno zove meme.

Ja asocijalan kakav jesam nisam ni skužio o čemu se radi (iako je nešto slično napravio i siniša prije nekoliko dana) sve dok me se eto nije direktno prozvalo. Google nudi nekoliko definicija za pojam meme. Osobito mi se svidjela slijedeća definicija:

an idea, project, statement or even a question that is posted by one blog and responded to by other blogs. Although the term encompasses much of the natural flow of communication in the Blogosphere, there are active bloggers and blog sites that are dedicated to the creation of memes on a regular basis

Meme: Moj muzički top tenKonkretni meme koji je bačen na mene je muzičkog tipa, pa sam upogonio svoj itunes da pronađem 10 najslušanijih autora u mojoj prilično impozantnoj i totalno legalnoj iTunes biblioteci. Pa da krenemo redom;

  1. Johnny Cash; na prvome mjestu u mojem iTunesu je obrada pjesme One od U2 u izvedbi Johnny Casha. Johhny Cash je donekle novi lik u mojoj biblioteci i iskrsnuo je tek nakon što sam uočio neke od njegovih obrada popularnih “klasika” na seriji CDova koji se zovu American Recordings, kupio sam jedan CD iz znatiželje, pa drugi i tako redom i sada vidim da je Johhny Cash najpopularniji autor prema mom iTunesu.
  2. Nick Cave; da me netko pitao tko je moj autor br. 1 pogriješio bih i ispalio Nick Cave. Cavea slušam negdje od Good son albuma i sve nakon toga mi je jako, jako dobro. U posljenjih nekoliko godina razvio sam ukus i za njegove starije albume, a to se prelomilo negdje na Križankama prije nekoliko godina kada sam bio prvi puta na njegovom koncertu.
  3. David Byrne; Talking Headse i sve njihove varijacije (Tom Tom Club i David Byrne solo karijeru) pratim jako dugo vremena i ono što me njima privuklo su vjerojatno tekstovi i hipnotička pojava Davida Byrnea. tko se može odhrvati antologijskim stihovima poput “there is water at the bottom of the ocean” ili “highways and cars were sacrified for the agriculture”? Ja ne mogu!
  4. Peter Gabriel; također dobro poznati lik koji se kasno materijalizirao u mojoj biblioteci. Prije nekoliko godina sjedili smo jednu noć radeći neki emergency backup jedan od support inženjera tvrtke koja održava računalnu infrastrukturu i ja. S winampa smo slušali neki live ili možda čak bootleg snimku Petera Gabriela, stvar me zaintrigirala (ionako sam slab na live izvedbe) kupio sam best of i potom krenuo u shoping spree za preostali opus. Red rain is comming down, red rain is pouring…
  5. Frankie goes to Hollywood; samo dva albuma i kompilacija. Frankie je zadužio pop muziku daleko više nego što se to može naslutiti kroz njihov relativno skromni muzički opus. Monumentalni hitovi poput “Two Tribes” su danas jednako aktualni, ako ne i aktualniji nego onda kada su bili napisani.
  6. R.E.M.; njih sam negdje primjetio oko Loosing my religion i to je bilo dovoljno da sjednem u auto i odem u Beč na koncert. Imali smo karte visoko na tribinama i pogled na pozornicu je kvarila žičana ograda koja nas je dijelila od ostatka publike poput majmuna od posjetitelja zološkog vrta. Negdje u pola koncerta Michael Stipe je krenuo nešto pričati i pokazao je na puni mjesec iznad stadiona i otpjevao “Man on the moon”, to je bio trenutak za pamćenje na isti način kao što je “Electrolite” neočekivano sjeo nakon zagrebačkog koncerta.
  7. Pink Floyd; tamo negdje početkom devedesetih izašao je Division Bell i 1994 ili 1995te je krenula Pulse koncertna turneja. Koncerti Pink Floyda bi svakome trebali biti na popisu “things to do before you die”, i sretan sam da sam taj dio odradio, baš kao što sam zadovoljan što sam prije nekoliko godina bio i na koncertu Roger Watersa u Budimpešti. Usput rečeno, Pink Floydi su nedavno izdali dvostruki DVD Echoes i pitanje je samo dana kada će osvanuti kod mene.
  8. Sting; počevši s Police koji su bili valjda nekakva polu punk scena pa preko njegove solo karijere Sting je oduvijek bio na popisu preferiranih kantautora. Bio sam na njegovim koncertima u Puli i bilo je dobro (no ne i odlično), no u posljednjih nekoliko godina Sting je prepustio svoje mjesto nekim drugim ljudima, no ako gledam broj CDova na polici, tada je Sting i Police i dalje vrlo dobro zastupljen.
  9. Negdje na ovome mjestu prestaje granica “jasnih” autora koje slušam redovito. Kada bih gledao CDove na polici, značajni dio (s kompletnim opusom) zauzeo bi i Weird Al Yankovich no on je toliko daleko od bilo čega drugoga da ga treba spominjati na sasvim drugom popisu. Predgrupa gore spomenutom REMu su bili Cranberries koje sam dakle zahvatio na početku njihove karijere i danas ih također rado slušam, Blondie koju nekako guram u istu grupu s primjerice Talking Headsima ili recimo Moloko koji su ekvivalent Blondie ali u ovom desetljeću. ako bi još toga trebalo nabrajati onda je najbolje pogledai emisiju na VH1 koju povremeno repriziraju a koje se zove top100 one hit wonders – jer je ta emisija poprilično dobar presjek moje fonoteke.
  10. I posljednje, čisto da ne bih rekao da ne slušam povremeno i domaću muziku izdvojio bih Josipu Lisac kao konstantnu veličinu posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, ili pak Haustore i Darka Rundeka kao nastavak domaćeg novog vala (kojeg sam zbog svojeg ranog djetinjstva očigledno propustio ali sam ga zato kasnije barem dijelom nadoknadio). Od novijih autora izdvojio bih Jinxe, Ramirez i Svadbas iako čujem da su se neki od njih u međuvremenu raspali. Tek toliko o tome koliko sam u trendu.

Misao dana:
…”Have you got any soul?” a woman asks the next afternoon. That depends, I feel like saying; some days yes, some days no. A few days ago I was right out; now I’ve got loads, too much, more than I can handle. I wish I could spread it a bit more evenly, I want to tell her, get a better balance, but I can’t seem to get it sorted. I can see she wouldn’t be interested in my internal stock control problems though, so I simply point to where I keep the soul I have, right by the exit, just next to the blues.


Hvala gostujućim blogerima

Eto mene natrag u Zagrebu (samo privremeno), vozikao sam se sedam dana po austrijskim alpama, a dok mene nije bilo web stranice mračnog bloga popunjavali su Neutrino, Siniša, Borja, Tomo i Mr. Wolf. Iza sebe su ostavili pet sjajnih tekstova pa ih svakako pročitajte. Od utorka se vraćamo uobičajenom rasporedu objava.