
firestarter… (4:39, The Prodigy, The Fat Of The Land, 1997)

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Misao dana:
Jack planted the magic beans and in one night a giant beanstalk grew all the way from the earth up to the clouds–which sounds like a lie, but it can be done with genetic engineering, and although a few people are against eating gene-engineered foods like those beans it’s a high-paying career to think about for when you grow up.
Humor Internet

inner smile… (3:52, Texas, The Greatest Hits, 2000)

Malo povijesti (za one koje to interesira), originalni link na punu diskusiju je ovdje;

Original Bboard Thread in which :-) was proposed

Here is the original message posted by Scott Fahlman on 19 September, 1982:

19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman :-)

From: Scott E Fahlman

I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:


Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark

things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use


The entire thread is reproduced below. We didn’t have formal newsgroup threads in those days, but these are all the messages that mention the need for a joke marker or that use the :-) symbol.

This was retrieved from the spice vax oct-82 backup tape by Jeff Baird on September 10, 2002. The period covered is 16 September 1982 through 21 October 1982.

Credits: Here is the account by Mike Jones describing how this ancient post was retrieved. It’s an impressive piece of digital archeology, with many contributors. I am grateful to Mike, to Jeff Baird, and to all the others who played a role in this effort. It is great that we can view this bit of Internet history once again.

Many people were involved in this computing archaeology success story. I (Mike Jones) kicked off the effort in February 2002 by looking through some old bboard program (Bags) sources, figuring out the filename that the post would likely be found under (/usr/cmu/lib/bb/, and asking Howard Wactlar, the former CMU SCS facilities director, whether the file could still be restored. Scott Fahlman provided data narrowing the probable span of time during which the post was made. Howard and Bob Cosgrove, the current director, determined that backup tapes from that period (1981-1983) still existed and asked Jeff Baird of the facilities staff to try to find and restore the post. Dave Livingston of facilities located a working 9- track tape drive and a machine to use it on. Kirk Berthold and Michael Riley in CS operations managed retrieving tapes from off-site archival storage. Grad student Dan Pelleg’s FreeBSD machine was used to read the 4.1BSD dump format tapes using a compatibility mode in the restore program. (Later in the effort a NetBSD machine was used to do the same thing.) Dale Moore looked for the post on Tops-20 backup tapes from CMU-20C. But by all accounts, Jeff Baird should get most of the credit for doing the hard work of locating and retrieving the data. He kept asking for more tapes, reading those that could still be read, narrowing the date range, and sticking with it until the post was found. Thanks all for your efforts to restore this part of computing history, and especially, thanks Jeff!

Note: There apparently were a few posts prior to 16 September (not on the tape that was retrieved) that posed various physics questions about what would happen to various objects in an elevator if you cut the cable. Given the quality of the elevators in Wean Hall (then and now), this was more than idle speculation.

Apparently someone had posed the problem of what would happen to a helium balloon in free-fall, someone else had asked about pigeons flying around in the falling elevator, and someone had then asked what would happen if the birds were breathing the helium…

Gadgets Internet

computer love… (6:20, Balanescu Quartet, Possessed, 1992)

Prije desetak dana sam dobio (kupio) moj blackberry i uspio sam (totalno očekivano) razviti totalnu ovisnost o uređaju.

Blackberry je dakle hibrid između PDA uređaja i GSM telefona, a osnovna razlika između bberrya i ostalih dlanovnika je u tome što bberry za komunikaciju koristi GSM mrežu (putem GPRS konekcije). Obzirom da je komunikacija 24/7 i postoji non-stop veza između bberrya i odgovarajućeg email accounta (što je predmet neke infrastrukture koja je preduvjet da bi sve skupa uopće radilo) emailove dobijate paralelno na bberry i u outlook (ili domino ili što već koristite). Ako imate tvrtku u kojoj je email uobičajeno sredstvo komunikacije tada uz bberry možete obaviti puno uredskog posla dok šećete gradom ili boravite izvan ureda. Kao dodatni plus, bberry može čitati i attachmente (sve što je popularnije je podržano, od tifa, jpega preko doc, xls i ppt dokumenata). I ako mislite da sve ovo nije dosta tada je važno znati da će bberry automatski updateati i vaš kalendar odnosno taskove, a isto vrijedi i za kontakte.

Sprava radi na javi (malo sporo ali efikasno), na bberry možete downloadati bilo koju java aplikaciju predviđenu za mobilne uređaje, a ja sam si instalirao mahjong, sudoku i danas MSN messenger. Sudoku je inače jedna zabavna i zarazna logička igra (zarazno poput tetrisa u svoje vrijeme) i idealno za ubijanje vremena u čekaonicama ili općenito dok gubite negdje vrijeme. Na ovome linku možete pronaći sudoku za PCa u vidu flash igrice.
Ovo sa MSNom je također jako zabavno jer se sada možete messengirati neograničeno i preko bberrya što u nekim situacijama može biti korisno.

BBerry ima i nevjerojatni coolnes faktor i njega masovno koriste poslovni korisnici, eto na ovim slikama možete vidjeti Alana Greenspana kako fokusirano tipka na svoj bberry (Alan Greenspan je predsjednik američkih federalnih rezervi – ekvivalent guvernera narodne banke i ujedno jedan od najmoćnijih ljudi na ovoj planeti, jedan od onih koji doista upravljaju stvarima i čije odluke su dalekosežne za sve nas).

BBerry je ukratko jedan od prvih uređaja koji spajaju internet, wireless i telefoniju u jednom uređaju – i to rade na jedan iznimno efikasan i kvalitetan način prihvatljiv poslovnim korisnicima. Mišljenja sam da je bberry uređaj budućnosti i da njegovo vrijeme tek dolazi (ne nužno u ovome obliku, no nešto na tragu funkcionalnosti koju bberry nudi danas).

Misao dana:
If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, and corruption is crime, and crime does not pay… Does knowledge, in the end, leave you broke?