Humor Video

Problemi s medijima

Za sve one koji misle da problemi s jednostranim medijima, guranjem tema, potkupljenim novinarima i korumpiranim urednicima postoje samo kod nas.

Weather Channel Accused of Pro-Weather Bias

Misao dana:
On an average day 7 minutes of news happens. Yet there are currently three full-time, 24-hour news networks.

Internet Video

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Dijelim s vama ovaj video (kojeg ste vjerojatno vidjeli već 5 puta):
Muzika Video

Novo Jutro

One morn I awakened
A new sun was shining
The sky was a Kingdom
All covered in blood
The moon and the stars
Where the troops that
lay conquered
Like fruit left to wither
Poor spiritual food

And the spears of bright sun
All brave with it conquest
Did hover unearthly
In banners of fire
I kneit in the garden
Awash with the dawning
And a voice came so brightly
I covered my eyes

Thank you for giving
This bright new morning
So steeped seemed the evening
In darkness and blood
There’ll be no sadness
There’ll be no sorrow
There’ll be no road too narrow
There’ll be a new day
And it’s today
For us