
Život na iznajmljivanje

Ničime posebno izazvan želim s vama podijeliti jednu malu i vrlo lijepu muzičku razglednicu.

I haven’t really ever found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I’m not in love
But it’s not as if I mind
that your heart ain’t exactly breaking

It’s just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don’t lean to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine

I’ve always thought
that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live my life more simply
I have no idea what’s happened to that dream
Cos there’s really nothing left here to stop me

It’s just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don’t learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine

While my heart is a shield and I won’t let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won’t even try
Well how can I say I’m alive

If my life is for rent and I don’t learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine


The saints are coming

Green Day i U2 su prije nekog vremena održali koncert u Superdome-u u New Orleansu (to je onaj grad kojeg je devastirala Katrina). Superdome je tih dana bio korišten kao prihvatilište onih koji su ostali bez krova nad glavama.

Pjesma koju su otpjevali započinje stihovima iz glasovite pjesme Animalsa; There is a house in New Orleans…

There is a house in New Orleans, They call The Superdome.
It’s been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I’m one of them.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come down,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come home,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realize that there’s no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realize that there’s no reply.

A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief,
how long now?
Until the weather change condemns belief,
how long now?
When the night watchman lets in the thief
Whats wrong now?

The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize that there’s no reply
The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply


Gdje večeras spava Ivo Sanader?

Gdje, i još bolje kako spava večeras Ivo Sanader? Ima li laki san, hoće li se buditi tijekom noći obliven znojem?

spy something begining with S…….

On candystripe legs the spiderman comes
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
A movement in the corner of the room!
And there is nothing I can do
And I realise with fright
That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!

Quietly he laughs and shaking his head
Creeps closer now
Closer to the foot of the bed
And softer than shadow and quicker than flies
His arms are around me and his tongue in my eyes
“Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
Don’t struggle like that or I will only love you more”

But it’s much too late to get away or turn on the light
The spiderman is having you for dinner tonight

And I feel like I’m being eaten
By a thousand million shivering furry holes
And I know that in the morning I will wake up
In the shivering cold

The spiderman is always hungry…