Muzika Video

Calling Elvis

Misao dana:
That ain’t working. That’s the way you do it. … Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free.

Muzika Video

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Koliko god ja bio “wired” toliko mi neke stvari totalno promaknu. Primjerice, svojevremeno sam (očigledno posljednji) pronašao Loitumu (jakoooo zarazna stvar). Eh, tako sam prije dva dana naletio na “Chocolate rain”, stvar koja (ako je poslušate) vrlo brzo uđe u glavu i teško iz nje izlazi. Ne bih ja na ovo niti kliknuo da lik nema karakteristično odmicanje od mikrofona tijekom pjevanja.

Ako Vam se Tay Zonday dopao, tada pogledajte i alternative take Chad Vadera.

p.s. kaže Borja da nisam ja zadnji koji je vidio Chocolate Rain, čini se da je titula posljednjega rezervirana za Aristona

Misao dana:
When the night shows
The signals grow on radios
All the strange things
They come and go, as early warnings
Stranded starfish have no place to hide
Still waiting for the swollen easter tide
Theres no point in direction we cannot even choose a side.

I took the old track
The hollow shoulder, across the waters
On the tall cliffs
They were getting older, sons and daughters
The jaded underworld was riding high
Waves of steel hurled metal at the sky
And as the nail sunk in the cloud, the rain was warm and soaked the crowd.

Lord, here comes the flood
Well say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent
In any still alive
Itll be those who gave their island to survive
Drink up, dreamers, youre running dry.

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Misao dana:
I’m not sure… about automobiles…. With all their speed forward they may be a step backward in civilization – that is, in spiritual civilization. It may be that they will not add to the beauty of the world, nor to the life of men’s souls. I am not sure. But automobiles have come, and they bring a greater change in our life than most of us suspect. They are here, and almost all outward things are going to be different because of what they bring. They are going to alter war, and they are going to alter peace. I think men’s minds are going to be changed in subtle ways because of automobiles; just how, though, I could hardly guess. But you can’t have the immense outward changes that they will cause without some inward ones, and it may be that… the spiritual alteration will be bad for us. Perhaps, ten or twenty years from now, if we can see the inward change in men by that time, I shouldn’t be able to defend the gasoline engine, but would have to agree…that automobiles ‘had no business to be invented.’ ~Eugene, from Booth Tarkington’s The Magnificent Ambersons, 1918